Description: Software for storing and archiving the data coming from the WAVYs and for cataloguing it. The software will also allow an open online catalogue for querying the data.
Supplier: DEIMOS
Description: This software is an online, map-based, data visualisation tool for the public data stored in the WAVY's online Catalogue. It also provides OGC Web services to integrate the in-situ data into other platforms and communities such as GEOSS, Copernicus or EMODNet.
Supplier: DEIMOS
The MELOA Catalogue and Geoportal is hosted on the EGI and IBERGRID federated cloud infrastructures.
Specifically, the following datacenters are used:
► The Advanced Computingand e-Science group at the Institute of Physics of Cantabria IFCA CSIC-UC
► The Portuguese National Distributed Computing Infrastructure INCD funded by FCT and FEDER under the project 01/SAICT/2016 nº 022153